Operations Committee
Haifeng Zhu, President and Chair
Cameron Hendricks, VP
Rachel McGrath, Treasurer
Mike Tymm, Secretary
Madhu Rao, Past President
Vision: Plan and organize chapter operations. Create strategic and operations plans. Communicate and coordinate with Directors through BOD. Coordinate execution with committees. Report back to INCOSE national. Manage chapter finances.
Regular Meeting Times: 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm, open to all members
WebEx Link to Join Monthly Meeting: https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=mb0f30b5c742dba860cb9e824e75d72f9
Membership Committee
TBD, Chair
Peter Huie
Daniel Burbank
Vision: Serve current membership. Recruit new members. Serve all industry sectors and states. Perform direct and indirect outreach to members. Collect information about how we can better serve. Member categories: existing members, new members, CAB members, university members.
To join committee, contact: incosenewengland@gmail.com
Regular Meeting Times: 3rd Thursday of each month at Noon, open to all
WebEx Link to Join Monthly Meeting: https://utc.webex.com/meet/charles.nobilski
Programming Committee
Brian Sheehan, Chair
Rachel McGrath
Vision: Plan high quality events throughout the year that engage all chapter members based upon regular input and feedback from the membership.
To join committee: contact incosenewengland@gmail.com
Certification, Training,
& Workforce Development
Bill Luk, Chair
Bao Truong
Vision: Plan high quality training events throughout the year for members that help them achieve their professional development goals. Offer ASEP-CSEP certification exams twice per year.
To join committee: contact incosenewengland@gmail.com
Regular Meeting Times: Month Day Time
Mike Tymm, Chair
Peter Huie
Amy Thompson
Vision: Communicate effectively with members of the chapter and INCOSE international. Communication methods should support all other committee goals and members should coordinate with other committees to send and receive their messages. Maintain chapter records.
To join committee: contact incosenewengland@gmail.com
Regular Meeting Times: Month Day Time