Registration Fee: $30 Per Day
The INCOSE New England chapter will be hosting its fourth annual fall workshop on October 28th and 29th , 2022. The workshop will be conducted as a two-day virtual event. The workshop is aimed at creating a forum for the systems engineering community to network, share ideas, knowledge, and practices, and learn more about the most recent innovations, trends, experiences, and issues in all aspects of systems engineering from world-class thought leaders in the field.
This year’s workshop will be themed around Organizational Transformation and Digital Engineering. INCOSE New England is seeking presentations. Topics of Interest include but are not limited to:
Organizational Transformation
Cultural & Workforce Adoption
Digital Standards
Digital Environments
Digital Work Products
Vendor Showcases/Training
Systems Engineering Career
Intellectual Property Issues for Cross-Organizational Collaboration
Digital Engineering
Digital Twins
Digital Data Threads
Authoritative Single Source of Truth
Product Lifecycle Management
Model Integration Strategies
Paperless presentations (aka Power Point Presentations) provide the opportunity for practitioners to share their work, novel approaches, or interesting problems addressed without writing a formal paper. Sessions are 45 minutes: 30 minutes for presentation with 15 minutes for Q&A.
All submission documents including presentation template are available at INCOSE New England web page: https://www.neincose.org/2022-incose-ne-fall-workshop.
Initial submission for presentations consists of an abstract of no more than 1000 words at website https://s.conflr.com/pBTNb0. Each submittal will be reviewed by multiple members of the INCOSE NE review team. Selected presentations will later be notified to submit the IP release, Bio, and permission to record forms.
Please note that the material submitted may have been presented elsewhere. If it has been presented elsewhere, this should be noted with the original citation and link to any copyrighted material. Presentations will be posted on the INCOSE New England Presentation Library and will be accessible for all attendees.
Call for Tutorials
Tutorial proposals for the following types of classroom instruction that complement or are closely connected with the Workshop themes, Digital Transformation and Digital Engineering will be considered:
Professional Development Tutorial: intended for both practicing systems engineers who want to expand their systems engineering skills and seasoned professionals who are new to INCOSE concepts of systems engineering. It is important not only to instill in the tutorial participants a new skill, but also to make it clear how that skill can add real value to the participant’s enterprise.
Advanced Technology Tutorial: intended for practicing systems engineers. This introduces new technologies with potential to add real value to systems engineering practice although that potential has not yet been demonstrated.
Best Practices Implementation: intended for practicing systems engineers who are interested in understanding how to apply systems engineering best practices with a domain-specific emphasis.
All submission documents are available at INCOSE New England web page: https://www.neincose.org/2022-incose-ne-fall-workshop.
Initial submission for tutorials consists of an abstract of no more than 1000 words on https://s.conflr.com/pBTNb0. The proposal shall not contain any proprietary data. Each submittal will be reviewed by multiple members of the INCOSE NE review team. Selected abstracts will later be notified to submit the tutorial details, IP release, Bio, and permission to record forms.
Please note that the material submitted may have been presented elsewhere. If it has been presented elsewhere, this should be noted with the link to any copyrighted material. Tutorial providers are highly encouraged to provide reference materials to reinforce their learning objectives during the tutorial, and to serve as a reference for later use by tutorial attendees.
Call for Student Research Poster Competition
INCOSE New England is hosting its annual Student Research Poster Competition during the 2022 Fall Workshop.
Undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students are encouraged to submit a virtual poster of their Systems Engineering research and project discoveries from school or an internship.
Come share your work with the finest Systems Engineers in New England, get feedback and suggestions for future work, and a chance to win a prize!
Format: Virtual workshop with breakout rooms
(1) Powerpoint or equivalent slide
When: Initial submissions by October 3rd
Feedback from Systems engineers the week of October 4th
Final poster submission by October 14th
Competition virtual breakout rooms: 12 – 1 pm on October 29th
Why would I do this?: $500 grand prize
Resume building credentials
Networking opportunity with potential employers
Awards: 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Student Choice Awards
All times in Boston local time - Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDST)