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Registration Fee: $30 Per Day

The INCOSE New England chapter will be hosting its third annual fall workshop on October 22nd and 23rd, 2021. The workshop will be conducted as a two-day virtual event. The workshop is aimed at creating a forum for the systems engineering community to network, share ideas, knowledge, and practices, and learn more about the most recent innovations, trends, experiences, and issues in all aspects of systems engineering from world-class thought leaders in the field. 

This year’s workshop will be themed around two tracks - Systems Thinking and Integration, Verification & Validation (IV&V). INCOSE New England is seeking presentations that explore the application of the fundamental concepts of Systems Thinking and IV&V to systems engineering and the design of complex cyber-physical systems. Topics of Interest include (but not limited to):


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All times in Boston local time - Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDST)

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